Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Cap Oranda

As the name suggests, the Red Cap Oranda is a white fish with an orange or red cap-like growth on its head. They are hardy fish that live long. They can survive cold temperatures. They vary in size and could be anywhere between an inch to six inches long. Red Cap Oranda's are omnivorous, they will generally eat all kinds of fresh, frozen, pellets, and flakes foods. To keep a good balance diet, give them a high quality flakes or pellets food everyday. To make sure that they don't get bored by always eating commercial foods , hobbyist highly recommend feeding live food such as blood worms, tubifex worms, mosquito larva, or daphnia once a week as their treat. Red Cap Oranda are very social animals and thrive in a community. If you intend to add other kinds of fish with them, make sure to study those fish before adding them into the tank as some fish are aggressive and they might destroy the fin of you beautiful goldfish. Red Cap Oranda are very easy to keep. As long as you provide them with proper care, they will also provide their beauty to entertain you and your guest.